

Phishing Scam Targeting .Au Domain Registrants

auDA became aware this morning of a phishing scam targeting .au domain name holders (registrants) via email.  The emails are being sent by a third party posing as an auDA employee. They request registrants click a link to confirm the contact details associated with their .au domain name, in order to retain their .au domain name licence.  auDA has notified ACCC’s Scamwatch of this matter. If you have received or receive an email of this nature, do not click on the links contained within it, reply to it or provide any personal identification information or documents to the sender. If...

Phishing Scam Targeting .Au Domain Registrants

auDA became aware this morning of a phishing scam targeting .au domain name holders (registrants) via email.  The emails are being sent by a third party posing as an auDA employee. They request registrants click a link to confirm the contact details associated...

.Com Price increase – September 2023

Starting from September 1, 2023, the price for .com domain names will increase by 10%. Verisign, the registry for .COM, has announced that there will be no further price adjustments until 2026.

Accessing legacy accounts via billing and support system

Please note that hosting accounts with an asterisk (*) in the package name are located on our older servers in a different data centre to those without the asterisk.  Unfortunately, this data centre has withdrawn its API access that integrates with the billing/admin...

SQL Update

The current SQL Database MariaDB will reach End of Life in May 2023. We are therefore scheduling an update to MariaDB 10.11 on 30 March 2023 at 3am UK Time. This process may result in a downtime of approximately 1 hour. Please let us know if you have any questions...

Removal of the Horde webmail application

The Horde webmail application has been removed in cPanel & WHM version 108 (at the time of writing we are on the latest stable release 106.0.13). All Horde email, contacts, and calendars will be automatically migrated to Roundcube. For more information, read our...

.Au Direct Domains

We wish to remind clients that the window of opportunity to register the matching .au Direct Domain Name for their existing .au domains is closing… and fast! If you have domain names in any other .au namespace (, or...

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